11 Best Ways to Accelerate your Metabolism

Following are recommended ways to accelrate your metabolism,

1. Go for the fat burning effect that is after your workout

The more intense your workout… the more calories you’re going to continue burning “after” your workout is over. This type of high intensity exercise will make you have a higher fat burning metabolism throughout the day.

Weight loss intervals, these fat-burning exercises, and dumbbell training are good examples of high-intensity workout routines that can cause a post-workout fat burning effect, and you will continue to burn Calories continuously for 12 to 48 hours after exercise is completed; This will help your body recover from intense activity. This way you will lose weight faster and permanently…

It is best to do a high intensity workout at least 3 times a week, and during the other days you can do low intensity workout routines.

Please note: Although all weight loss activities have some fat burning post-activity benefit, only high intensity activities have the effect of keeping your fat burning metabolism elevated during periods of Much longer time.

2. Do less exercise but more often

Scientists now say that you can lose more weight and keep your metabolism elevated longer if you make 4 shorter workouts of 10 minutes each, instead of a longer workout of 30 to 40 minutes duration.

Look at this: In a recent study of the University of Pittsburgh… it was found that the women who did during the day 4 exercise routines of 10 minutes each, lost 30% more weight than the group of women who every day only did a workout more l 40-minute Arga. So what that really means to you is this…

If you have the time available-you can increase your metabolism by doing 4 workouts that have a shorter duration, 10 minutes each, and have moderate to high intensity (see how to lose weight at home). Now, if you don’t have time to do 4 10 minute routines each… You can keep your metabolism elevated all day if you’re looking for the fat burning effect after your workouts (see #1) doing just a longer interval routine.

3. Drink at least 1 liter of frozen water daily

Water will not only help prevent you from being swollen, by evicting excess water weight. As far as the increase in your metabolism is concerned…

The process of fat burning of the metabolism needs water to function effectively, and… Your body has to increase your metabolism to burn extra calories to heat the cold water you take and…

Look at this: a clinical research center in Berlin found that after drinking 17 ounces of water-your fat burning metabolism increases by 30% within 10 minutes after you have taken water.

4. Eats more fiber and protein

Eating more fiber and protein will increase your metabolism because your body burns higher amounts of calories when it digests high-protein and fiber foods

You can easily include more fiber in your diet by eating more complex carbohydrates, and in terms of proteins… You don’t have to follow a diet high in protein-you just need to make your proteins at least 30% of your diet to get the effects of metabolism enhancers.

5. Do something when you get up

The best time to do weight loss exercises is first thing in the morning which causes you to remove more fat. Now, in what has to do with the maximum acceleration of your metabolism…

Doing exercises in the morning benefits you with the fat burning effect after the exercise (see #1) of longer duration, which in turn helps you to burn more calories during the day, and on the other hand…

You can have some later burning effect if you do exercises at night, but this effect is not going to last long because most likely you will go to sleep after that, and while you’re asleep-your metabolism will descend again.

6. Take your breakfast after your morning exercise session-Don’t drink coffee

You need a good breakfast that contains protein and fiber (see #4) to increase your fat burning metabolism earlier in the day and to get to burn more fat, and…

If you skip breakfast and wait until lunchtime or dinner to eat, you will stop burning all the calories you could have burned because… Skipping breakfast makes your metabolism (which is already slow to sleep 8 to 12 hours) is even slower, plus…

Some studies have shown that when you eat breakfast… You won’t overeat, keep your weight and lose more weight as you follow diets and exercise programs.

7. Gain muscle mass

1 pound of muscle burning from 5 to 14 calories per day, so when you increase 5 pounds of muscle… Your metabolism will burn from 25 to 70 extra calories per day and you’ll lose 2½ to 7 pounds extra fat per year and…

Even though losing 2½ to 7 pounds of fat is not a lot… When you earn 5 pounds of muscle-you’re going to see 5 to 10 pounds thinner because the muscle occupies less space than the fat-occupying.

8. Drink green Tea

According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea helps to burn between 35 and 43% more calories per day, plus…

Another study showed that men who drank green tea for 3 months lost almost twice as much weight as those who did not take green tea.

9. Drink milk

During a study of Purdue University… Women who took 3 to 4 servings of low-fat dairy daily burned more fat and more calories after meals, and…

This study said you’ll be able to lose 10 pounds extra fat just by eating 3 to 4 servings of low-fat dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and skim milk.

10. Add spices to increase your metabolism by 20%

Different studies have said that spices can increase your metabolism by 8 to 20% for at least 30 minutes after having eaten them-for example…

A study from the University of Oxford showed that hot peppers can increase your fat burning metabolism by adding 3 grams of chili peppers with meals and in a British study, it was found that the hot mustard made people They will burn 45 to 75 extra calories for more than 3 hours.

All you need to boost your metabolism due to the use of the species is to add to your favorite recipes a little red pepper or hot mustard.

11. Improve the function of your thyroid

Your thyroid basically regulates your metabolism and you can be able to increase your metabolism by simply eating more seafood, nuts and seeds because all these foods have high selenium content, vitamin E, iodine, Zinc and copper, also…

All these nutrients are essential for a better functioning of the thyroid and that in turn helps to increase your metabolism. Which is the same thing as saying, if you don’t consume enough of these nutrients then your metabolism is reduced and/or you could develop hypothyroidism, and to tell you the truth…

People who suffer from hypothyroidism or who have slow metabolisms try to add more selenium, vitamin E, iodine, Zinc and copper to their diets; This allows these people to naturally treat their hypothyroidism by accelerating their metabolism and, consequently, they can begin to lose weight again.