This is the exercise routine you will do to lose weight quickly …

Step 1: First you will do 15 jumps with squats with weights using dumbbells from 5 to 15 pounds – then take a break of one minute and …
Step 2: Afterwards you will do 15 jumps with squats just using the weight of your body – then take another 1 minute break and …
Step 3: afterwards you will do drag or abdominal slip running 30 meters or you can also make an abdominal plate holding it for 45 to 90 seconds and after that, without taking any rest …
Step 4: You will do 100 scissor jumps right away (or just do scissor jumps for 1 to 2 minutes without stopping) – then you will take 1 minute of rest and …
Step 5: Then you will do 20 arm pushups using a pair of dumbbells from 5 to 15 pounds, or 20 push-ups with board games, or 20 push-ups using a chair, or 20 push-ups with raised legs and without taking any rest …
Step 6: You will immediately make 100 “skier jumps” (or just do skier jumps for 1 to 2 minutes without stopping) – then you will take a longer break of 2 to 5 minutes and …
Step 7: Then you will repeat this whole exercise routine again (steps 1 to 6) for 1 to 3 additional times and …
Step 8: After you have done this routine for a total of 2 to 4 times … then do ONLY ONE exercise routine with intervals of 10 to 20 minutes to burn more fat – Go here to see how to do exercises of intervals and to see the different kinds of intervals you can do.

Basically this is what you should do: Do ​​2 to 4 times what you see in the video above and then do A routine of intervals of 10 to 20 minutes, also …

Remember: If you get tired doing this exercise routine, it is okay to stop and rest everything you need so you can complete this exercise routine to lose weight quickly, at least 2 times, but … You must reach a point where you need to rest only 1 minute after finishing certain exercises of this routine.
To burn even more fat while doing this exercise routine …

  • You can rest less time between exercises …
  • You can do more than 100 scissor jumps or skier steps …
  • You can do a crawl or abdominal crawling over a distance greater than 30 meters …
  • You can use more weight when doing your push-ups and / or squats jumping using weights and / or …
  • You can do more than 15 jumps with squats where you only use your body weight

It should take you 25 to 50 minutes to complete this exercise routine 2 to 4 times to lose weight quickly, including 1 exercise routine at intervals at the end and …

You should only do this exercise routine to lose weight about 3 or 4 times a week.
When can I start seeing results?

Depending on how much your weight is and the type of diet you are following … You can expect to lose up to 4 pounds per week doing this weight loss exercise plan, so if you are trying to lose as much weight as you can possible … It is better to do this exercise routine while you are also doing one of these weight loss diet plans and …

After you have done your first 3 exercise routines – you should wait …

  • Begin to have a marked abdomen (six pack) and a flat abdomen all because of the exercise of dragging or abdominal slides that is included in this routine and …
  • The upper part of your body will be less flaccid and much firmer due to the arm flexes you are doing in this exercise routine and …
  • Your legs will have a better shape due to the jumps with squats that are included in this exercise routine to lose weight fast.

More Details on Daily Exercise to lose weight quickly