Eight of every ten Humans trying to diet, fails… One of the main reasons is that they lose the motivation to dull dishes that don’t let them enjoy a good family meal or snack. From a simple beer, through a bathed in olive oil, until a good Steak Salad with walnuts may be restricted.Best Diets 2019

However, this reluctance against diets may have its days numbered. A recent study, published in the journal ‘The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology’, has made public a story that will be who makes years following regimes: a diet high in fat does not cause weight gain. Follow the patterns of the Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetable fats from natural foods (dried fruits and olive oil) and without caloric restriction, is associated with a slight reduction of weight and less girth abdominal waist, compared to a diet low in fat in individuals with high cardiovascular risk.

They lost weight and waist

Our recent studies and research of various weight loss diets, techniques and tips in general or fast weight loss tips with or without natural products show very promising results. We surveyed more than 7,000 men from 55 to 80 years and controlled their weight over a period of five years. Menu did not include red meat, butter, and sugar, which were replaced by fish, dried fruits, vegetables and fruits.

Randomly, the researchers assigned participants three variations of Various diet: each had meals not restricted in calories and rich in olive oil, another group also had a diet calorie but also rich in nuts, while the rest followed a regimen low in fat.

After five years the researchers found that the three groups had lost weight, although more kilos loss occurred in the Group of Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, who reduced 0.88 pounds, compared with 0.60 kilos of the low-fat diet and the 0.40 kilos of dried fruit group group.
Also, there was also an increase in waist circumference in the three groups. But since the waist size tends to increase with age, it is significant for the lower increase would be among those who followed the regime with olive oil.

The study shows that the current health guidelines that recommend a diet low in fats and calories create unnecessary fear of the healthy fats present in the Mediterranean diet, whose benefits have been demonstrated in numerous investigations. It is even listed as one of the best diets and more complete. Based on the intake of natural foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, olive oil as source of fat, fish, and more moderate amounts of poultry meat, eggs and dairy. Foods that help fight obesity and provide great benefits for cardiovascular health.

However, new research is not the first that the Mediterranean diet is the best for those seeking to lose weight, since several reports challenging the widespread perception that fat consumption is harmful. Based on five studies of medicine at Harvard, the 3 week Diet is the most effective weight loss in comparison with other low-fat and a third lower in carbohydrates. Remember

The total fat content is not a useful measure of damages or profits that produce food

Not all fats are bad

The conclusions of the study prepared by Predimed are an important step to show that not all fats are bad. Are the authors of the research, the total fat content is not a useful measure of damages or profits that produce food, so advocates of eating more calories from fruits, nuts, vegetables, legumes, fish, vegetable oils rich in phenols, yogurts and minimally processed whole grains; and less processed foods rich in starch, sugar, salt or trans fats.

False Myth

Please abandon the myth that low fat and calories products leads to a lower weight gain. “This illusion leads to paradoxical policies that prohibit the whole milk, while they allow skimmed milk sweetened with sugar and, in turn, require manufacturers of food, retailers, and restaurants to remove healthy fats derived from vegetables in your meals and products, while low-fat of dubious value foods are marketed for health. Based on the study we conclude the best diets and tips which are as following


The 11 best diets for lose weight 2019

If we had to select the universal purpose of new year , it is clear that put us to the diet would be the winner. After several days of abundant binges, sit and savour something greasy and ultracalorico is, in general, what may least want us. So we feel enough forces – and more – kilos to start a regime from the first day of the year – though normally we extend it until after the six day – and get a health of iron and a super figure before it reaches the summer.

Are determined, but what diet should follow that really works? Qualifying earning a maximum of 5 points awarded according to their capacity to help lose weight in the short to long term, how easy or difficult to conduct that is or the real benefits for our health, each year ‘U.S. News & World Report’ collects the opinions of Dietitians, nutritionists and psychologists expert in power to make a ‘ranking’ the best diets for weightloss 2019 in order to guide us in the difficult task find that works us best. As it could not be otherwise, they also have their recommendations for 2019, and are these:

1. The 3 Week Diet : 5

The 3 Week Diet Program is a revolutionary new diet plan which not only guarantees to help you lose weight fast but it also promise you to help you lose more weight by burning all undesired body fats, faster than anything else you’ve ever tried in your life. This is considered as best weigtloss diet 2019. It contains,3 Week Diet Plan with Coupon Codes for new year discount

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2. The Red Tea Detox : 4.6

Best weight Loss Programs 2019-2020As every year, US News & World Report announces its ranking with the best diets to lose weight and eat healthy in 2019. And in that sense and far from miracle diets or discussions about whether the keto or hypocaloric diet have more or less fat or more or less calories, always take the intake of fish, vegetables, lean meats, cereals and whole grains. Based on the results of fast weight loss “The Red Tea Detox” stands out of every diet in the world.




3. The DASH diet : 4.5

Located at the top of the rankings last year, in 2016 there is a technical tie between this, the FTA and the Mind diet. The DASH diet responds to the acronym ‘ Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension’ (‘approach to food to stop hypertension’) and, as its name suggests, was developed by the National Institute of health American as a specific diet to treat patients with high pressure, although ‘U.S. News’ experts consider it an ideal diet for all kinds of people.

A diet is varied which is raw material intake of fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy. Also consume whole grain cereals, meat, fish and vegetables, but in a more restricted way. Saturated fats, refined sugars and carbohydrates are virtually banned. Diet is accompanied by a plan of activities of physical exercise and reduced alcohol consumption to a minimum.

The salt, of course in the case of a specific diet to treat hypertension, reduces and controls a minimum daily, which means to banish our power most of preserves, sausage and instant soups.

4. Diet TLC : 4

Like the DASH, the TLC Diet (an acronym for ‘Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes’, ‘therapeutic lifestyle change’ in Spanish) was designed by the National Institute of health American, although on this occasion as a diet to treat cholesterol. Again, experts have considered that it is a diet that is ideal for all types of profiles, because it is “very healthy, full and secure”.

The TLC Diet focuses on reducing the levels of cholesterol rather than with losing weight, in fact, its creators say can get between 8% and 10% in just six weeks. How? With a lower consumption of saturated fat from foods such as meat or milk and dairy not skimmed.

5. The MIND diet: 3.5

Focused on the consumption of foods that help to reduce the risk of neurological disorders – in particular, the disease of Alzheimer, its acronym come precisely from ‘ Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay’, translated as ‘ Mediterranean-DASH for the delay neurodegenerative intervention.

MIND diet focuses on menus full of vegetables of green leaf, nuts, berries, fish, beans, whole grains and olive oil, or what is the same, all the foods that the scientific evidence has shown are good for the brain. Considered one of the most healthy and easy to follow, as we said, this year stands in first place together with the other two also designed by the National Institute of health American.

6. The Mediterranean diet : 3.5

Does not fail. The traditional diet in our country occupies a position among the most favourably evaluated each year, and is not surprising for the amount of food and ways of preparing them for healthy lifestyles. Abundant fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains or vegetables, always cooked with olive oil, and less red meat, sugars and saturated fats, are the basis of a Mediterranean diet.

In addition to help us lose weight, numerous studies defend important health benefits, such as its ability to reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer or heart disease. Without going any further, the PREDIMED study – research of major being done about nutrition and health levels world – has proven scientifically that the Mediterranean diet enriched with nuts and extra virgin olive oil 30% reduces the risk of death, stroke or myocardial infarction for cardiovascular cause.

7. Diet of fertility : 3

Believe it or not, the power can affect our ability to conceive since what we eat eats affects everything from the blood to the cells and hormones.

The flexitarianismo was created to appoint people whose diet is mainly vegetarian, but they don’t baulk at the meat

After conducting a study that found that women who regularly ate healthy fats, whole grains and vegetable proteins had a better supply of eggs than those who had a regular diet of refined carbohydrates, red meat and saturated fats, the doctors of the school of public health at Harvard Jorge Chavarro and Walter Willett gave name to one of the most commented diets last year and of which insurance will be discussed along 2016.

8. the diet of the clinic may : 3.4

Health experts from the Mayo Clinic – one of the companies of private hospitals most prestigious in the world – created this diet years ago with the aim of helping lose up to 45 pounds in a year. Precisely, the regime focuses on long-term weight loss, helping to develop a lifestyle designed to lose weight and not get back it.

The diet of the clinic may not eliminate any nutrients, but as most weight loss plans, raw material intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The particularity of this regime is that it insists on the change in habits of life, not only with regard to food, also with regard to exercise, at least 30 minutes at a pace moderately every day. It also has an impact on the dangers of processed foods, which are very limited in the diet.

8. Weight Watchers : 3.4

Weight Watchers diet is the only commercial diet that sneaks into the ‘ranking’ (in Spain the brand is marketed under the name Entulinea). According to experts ‘U.S. News’ outperforms the rest of diets of payment in its ability to help us lose weight in the short term and how easy that is to follow.

The regime puts the emphasis on group work (to succeed in the diet is important the support of those around us), the intake of many fruits and vegetables and leaves room for occasional indulgences, which considers necessary to not despair in trying to.

9. the diet flexitarian : 3.2

The flexitarianismo is a recent neologism – mixture of ‘vegetarian’ and ‘flexible’ – that was created to designate those persons whose diet is mainly vegetarian, but do not baulk at the meat from time to time, especially if they are away from home. Although no organization vegetarian recognizes it, it is a first step for many people who decide to leave aside the meat and fish, but not radically.

The flexitarian diet emphasizes the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and vegetable proteins, which address that would provide meat, although the diet also allows the consumption of eggs and dairy. Meat as such He is only added in very small amounts as an ingredient in pasta dishes or salads.

10. volume : 3.1

One of the main drawbacks of the diets is that we are hungry. Good news: with the volume no. Especially useful in the long run, focuses on keeping us satisfied and re-educating our way of eating. Created by Penn State University nutrition Professor Barbara Rolls, based on the idea that people tend to eat every day the same amount of food, regardless of the calories that it has. A diet based on the reduction in the quantities is, in the opinion of Rolls, much more difficult to follow a diet that eats much in quantity, but little calorie.

Mediterranean diet helps to reduce the risks of cancer and heart disease

Their menus are formed mainly by fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables and low-fat, dairy but also eaten enough paste and fried foods from time to time.

11. the Jenny Craig diet : 3

Founded in 1983 by Jenny Craig and her husband, is one of the healthiest diets, and experts say that their short-term visible effects can stay easily at least 12 months. The fact that ‘celebrities’ such as Mariah Carey, Kirstie Alley , or Queen Latifah, continue to strictly programme Mrs Craig, has also boosted its follow-up have been going among the population. In addition to ongoing advice and custom control of the weight of each patient, offer the possibility to receive every day the full menu already prepared at our door or pick it up at any of the more than 700 centers having the company around the world.




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