Month: January 2016

Weight loss – Causes of Weight Loss

The slimming consists in a loss progressive of weight, accompanied by often of weakness and propensity to the fatigue. Is it always present as a response to an insufficient supply of calories in relation to the person’s metabolic needs. Usually occurs at the expense of adipose tissue (fat) deposits, but in more severe cases, there was also atrophy of muscle mass and dry skin. Often is associated to hypotension and bradycardia (decrease of the frequency heart), with trend to the collapse by effort minimum. With appetite or no appetite? The study of the causes of thinning has to start...

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List of Foods low in carbohydrates for purchase from the supermarket

In this article we are going to see all the detail of a low carbohydrate diet, you will be very interesting this article if you are following our Plan of 3 easy steps to lose weight LOW CARB VEGETABLES In the following list are lowest to higher content of carbohydrate foods, per serving, most are non- starch and usually low in carbohydrates. The exact number of carbohydrates will depend on the size of the portion. Remember that when there are carbohydrates in plants there is no fiber, you have to subtract it from the total. Sprouts, alfalfa and other...

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