How to stop drinking sodas

Step 1: Stop drinking soft drinks little by little

Each week you should drink less and less soda until you leave to do it completely and the best way to do it is …

  • Start drinking the first week 1/4 less soda than you do right now – for example …
  • If you are drinking 10 soft drinks now … You should drink 7 soft drinks the first week … 5 soft drinks the second week, and so on until you do not drink any, and on purpose …
  • When I say “soft drinks” I’m referring to 20 oz soda cans. So … If you drink 2 or 3 liters of soda per week – just remember that approx. 3 cans of 20 oz. they are equal to 1 liter of soda.

The reason why you do not start the plan at once WITHOUT taking anything soda is because … It will be very difficult to do that and also because if you do it that way you will suffer headaches by starting to withdraw caffeine , Besides…

Reduce little by little each week will keep you from having pains
head, but eventually … you’ll have to detoxify your body and dislodge all the toxins that cause those headaches.

Step 2: KILL your cravings for soda

When you are at the point where you are only taking approx. 3 cans of soda per week, you can start detoxifying your body by …

  • Exercise , and …
  • Drink more water, and …
  • Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables, and …
  • Eat mainly foods to lose weight , and …

Eating this will not only dislodge toxins from your body but will also help eliminate cravings for soda and other fattening foods …

This was the way I personally stopped drinking soda and maybe this method is not scientifically proven but it worked like a charm for me.